Yo meus queridos e doces bunnie's, como estão? Admito que ando meio cansada e por isso de não vir postar, ainda tive que formatar o notebook novamente, pois não sei o que houve o notebook fechou e não abriu mais. Mas mudando de assunto hoje venho trazer um slide, percebi que tenho muitos poucos aqui, então vou mudar isso rs Afinal eu amo slides, créditos no rodapé da postagem.
Eu acho esse modelo muito bonitinho, claro que tudo depende do layout e das imagens que for usar. Nele é possível colocar texto e uma imagem de sua escolha. Aconselho editar para ficarem similares, vocês também podem mudar as imagens das setas do carregamento, e das pequenas bolinhas que ficam no finalzinho dele.
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="examples_outer">
<h2>Minha flor</h2>
<div id="slider_container_1">
<div id="SliderName">
<a href="#1"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 1" alt="Some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 1" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 1</strong>
<a href="#2"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 2" alt="Some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 2" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 2</strong>
<a href="#3"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 3"" alt="some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 3" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 3</strong>
<a href="#4"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 4" alt="Some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 4" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 4</strong>
<a href="#5"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 5" alt="Some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 5" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 5</strong>
#slider_container_1 {
margin: 3px 3px 4px 3px;
float: left;
padding: 10px;
width: 560px; background: #000000;
-moz-border-radius: 10px 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px;
border-radius: 10px 10px;
#SliderName{width: 560px;height: 300px;margin: auto;}
background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiC2rqYQMeQoaM0OUQquyVSNhonhTGt_Zubu5BDJGNEzutrrkDTVa16yO3Tx1vuQPurJELAWUgF9kfzDSc3-mnkApxcuRnRt34vitFdOqBAz-bo1PjbiPEnSpiu4amgKHe4x7Ok0ghfTyQ/s1600/left.gif) no-repeat center center;
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 138px;
left: 10px;
text-decoration: none;}
background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgTkVsXMiqAhg8nnV5ihJOgIdFybY4QInGvBJoH2YPwH5zwoSMRu908sRJaPEez513SkKJzEHBNU3MZhKFo6u9ivdgepFqL7y6Y_yiiyJdsJ_nfeJOuRatAHmhDkJ45rFVFaXcsPT7ilPk/s1600/right.gif) no-repeat center center;
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 138px;
right: 10px;
text-decoration: none;}
font-family: Verdana;
font-size: 10px;
text-align: left;
padding: 5px;}
#SliderNameNavigation { margin: 10px 0 0 0; padding-top: 15px; height: 25px; text-align: center; -moz-border-radius: 6px 6px; background: #fff; }
#SliderNameNavigation a:link, #SliderNameNavigation a:active, #SliderNameNavigation a:visited, #SliderNameNavigation a:hover{
margin: 0 2px;
background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi4n202Bc1HX6iIju5UB-QPSuHRvK3bYZR3badqzaSop5IhmrInd5Ax-bGaWvVjtuSp0o_PfjzNmg5VnNQotQtKnTwYa0ue4S-YWjrJtviV4RroAGJvUce7thTLSCKdesQGgZ2DB56RCro/s1600/nav.gif) no-repeat center center;
font-size: 0px;
line-height: 0px;
padding: 12px;
text-decoration: none;
#SliderNameNavigation a.active:link, #SliderNameNavigation a.active:active, #SliderNameNavigation a.active:visited, #SliderNameNavigation a.active:hover{
background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg5cqv428E_TTaGrpmUJTDA7BnCn7BNyoJte5Ap4T9TNZY9k1-udXdquCMe8dpfD77n-lQ6gu-jw9-_Q_GP8Q256cKjlK8Ieu_tmmq6qFxf2J4HMrB-hVCVgRUpP15voCTYfd3T2c0B2oE/s1600/nav_active.gif) no-repeat center center;
<!-- sliderman.js -->
<script type="text/javascript">
Sliderman.effect({name: 'effectDemo1', cols: 10, rows: 5, delay: 10, fade: true, order: 'straight_stairs'});
var slider = Sliderman.slider({container: 'SliderName', width: 530, height: 300, effects: 'effectDemo1',
display: {
pause: true, autoplay: 3000, always_show_loading: 200,
description: {background: '#ffffff', opacity: 0.5, height: 50, position: 'bottom'},
loading: {background: '#000000', opacity: 0.5, image: 'https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhiLcc6O1Nq8ow9mJ4DX6F3mRFeG2t2F5T5shd9Wra8SX95PWWG43herMT5P5mWqiAU15ac_YNXk7yQ8cvBOTd-SdjDWOZxkwTPSClW4F4_AwAhLaxU1jPgZKmiHn5yPLYioWbACPQoUqo/s1600/loading.gif'},
buttons: {
opacity: 1,
prev: {className: 'SliderNamePrev', label: ''},
next: {className: 'SliderNameNext', label: ''}
navigation: {container: 'SliderNameNavigation', label: ' '}
<script type='text/javascript'>
* Sliderman.js
* Version: 1.2.1
* Author: Taras Ozarko (tozarko@gmail.com)
* (c) 2010-2011 Devtrix. All rights reserved. http://www.devtrix.net/sliderman/
var Sliderman = new function(){
var Sliderman = this;
function random(l){
r = Math.round(Math.random()*(l+1));
if(r > 0 && r < l+1) r--;
else r = random(l);
return r;
function foreach(o, f){
for(var k in o){
if(o.hasOwnProperty(k) && f(k,o[k],o)) return;
function addElementEvent(o,e,f){
var of = o[e];
o[e] = typeof of != 'function' ? f : function(){of();f();};
var _loadImage = [];
function loadImage(s,f,always_show_loading){
var l = function(){if(_loadImage[s]){if(f)f(s);}else{var i=newElement('IMG');i.onload=function(){_loadImage[s]=true;if(f)f(s);};new function(){i.src=s;};}}
if(always_show_loading) setTimeout(l, typeof(always_show_loading) == 'number' ? always_show_loading : 1000);
else l();
function array_copy(a){
if(a.constructor == Array) var r = [];
else var r = {};
foreach(a, function(i){
r[i] = typeof(a[i]) != 'object' ? a[i] : array_copy(a[i]);
return r;
function now(){
return (new Date()).getTime();
function eq(a, b){
return String(a).replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').toLowerCase() == String(b).replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').toLowerCase();
function array_search(arr, a, b){
var result = false;
foreach(arr, function(i){
if(eq(arr[i], b)){
result = i;
return true;
foreach(arr, function(i){
if(eq(arr[i][a], b)){
result = i;
return true;
return result;
function validateOption(a, b){
b = b.split(',');
var result;
foreach(b, function(i){
result = b[i];
if(eq(a, b[i])) return true;
return result;
var setOpacity;
function setOpacityInit(){
if(setOpacity) return;
var p, b = document.body, s = b.style;
if (typeof s.opacity == 'string') p = 'opacity';
else if (typeof s.MozOpacity == 'string') p = 'MozOpacity';
else if (typeof s.KhtmlOpacity == 'string') p = 'KhtmlOpacity';
else if (b.filters && navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+);/)[1]>=5.5) p = 'filter';
if(p == 'filter'){
setOpacity = function(style, v){
if(v > 1) v = 1;
else if(v < 0) v = 0;
style[p] = "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(v*100) + ")";
}else if(p){
setOpacity = function(style, v){
if(v > 1) v = 1;
else if(v < 0) v = 0;
style[p] = v.toFixed(2);
}else setOpacity = ef
function setStyle(style, property, value){
if(typeof(value) == 'string') style[property] = value;
else if(property == 'clip') style[property] = 'rect('+Math.round(value[0])+'px, '+Math.round(value[1])+'px, '+Math.round(value[2])+'px, '+Math.round(value[3])+'px)';
else if(property == 'opacity') setOpacity(style, value);
else style[property] = Math.round(value)+'px';
function setStyles(style, properties){
foreach(properties, function(property){
setStyle(style, property, properties[property]);
function hide(style){style.display = 'none';}
function show(style){style.display = '';}
function newElement(tagName, styles){
var e = document.createElement(tagName);
if(styles) setStyles(e.style, styles);
return e;
var EffectsArr = [];
function Effects(parameters){
var effect = parameters.effect, display = parameters.display;
if(!effect) effect = {};
if(parameters.contentmode) effect.zoom = false;
effect.interval = effect.interval || 40;
effect.duration = effect.duration || 200;
effect.delay = effect.delay || 0;
var framesCount = Math.round(effect.duration / effect.interval);
var index, piece, r, image, startStylesArr = [], AnimateArr = [], needAnimate = [], AnimateItemsArr = [], styleStart, styleEnd, styleDif;
var container = newElement('div', {width: display.width, height: display.height, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, overflow: 'hidden'})
var pieces = {cols: effect.cols ? effect.cols : 1, rows: effect.rows ? effect.rows : 1};
pieces.count = pieces.cols*pieces.rows;
pieces.width = display.width / pieces.cols, pieces.height = display.height / pieces.rows;
for(var c = 0; c < pieces.cols; c++) for(var r = 0; r < pieces.rows; r++) pieces[c+','+r] = [r*pieces.height, c*pieces.width+pieces.width, r*pieces.height+pieces.height, c*pieces.width];
var optionsCopy = array_copy(effect);
var effectsInvers = array_copy(effect);
effectsInvers.top = optionsCopy.bottom;
effectsInvers.bottom = optionsCopy.top;
effectsInvers.left = optionsCopy.right;
effectsInvers.right = optionsCopy.left;
effect.order = validateOption(effect.order, 'straight,swirl,snake,straight_stairs,random');
var orderArr = doOrder(pieces.cols, pieces.rows, effect.order, effect.road, effect.reverse);
var effectsOptStr = effect.order == 'random' ? now() : [
effect.interval, effect.duration, effect.delay, effect.cols, effect.rows,
effect.top, effect.right, effect.bottom, effect.left,
effect.fade, effect.zoom, effect.move, effect.chess,
effect.order, effect.road, effect.reverse
startStylesArr = EffectsArr[effectsOptStr].startStylesArr;
AnimateArr = EffectsArr[effectsOptStr].AnimateArr;
needAnimate = EffectsArr[effectsOptStr].needAnimate;
for(r = 0; r < pieces.rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < pieces.cols; c++){
index = orderArr[c+','+r];
if(effect.chess && index % 2 == 1) effect = effectsInvers;
else effect = optionsCopy;
styleStart = {top: 0, left: 0, opacity: 1, width: display.width, height: display.height, overflow: 'hidden'};
styleEnd = array_copy(styleStart); piece = array_copy(pieces[c+','+r]);
if(effect.fade) styleStart.opacity = 0;
if(effect.top && effect.bottom) piece[0] = piece[2] = (piece[0] + piece[2]) / 2;
else if(effect.top) piece[2] -= pieces.height;
else if(effect.bottom) piece[0] += pieces.height;
if(effect.left && effect.right) piece[1] = piece[3] = (piece[1] + piece[3]) / 2;
else if(effect.left) piece[1] -= pieces.width;
else if(effect.right) piece[3] += pieces.width;
styleStart.left = pieces[c+','+r][3];
styleStart.top = pieces[c+','+r][0];
if(effect.left && effect.right) styleStart.left += pieces.width / 2;
else if(effect.right) styleStart.left += pieces.width;
else if(!effect.left) styleStart.left = 0;
if(effect.top && effect.bottom) styleStart.top += pieces.height / 2;
else if(effect.bottom) styleStart.top += pieces.height;
else if(!effect.top) styleStart.top = 0;
if(effect.left || effect.right) piece[1] = piece[3] = 0;
if(effect.top || effect.bottom) piece[0] = piece[2] = 0;
styleStart.width = effect.left || effect.right ? 0 : display.width;
styleStart.height = effect.top || effect.bottom ? 0 : display.height;
styleStart.top = parseInt(styleStart.top)-pieces.height;
piece[0] += pieces.height; piece[2] += pieces.height;
styleStart.top = parseInt(styleStart.top)+pieces.height;
piece[0] -= pieces.height; piece[2] -= pieces.height;
styleStart.left = parseInt(styleStart.left)-pieces.width;
piece[1] += pieces.width; piece[3] += pieces.width;
styleStart.left = parseInt(styleStart.left)+pieces.width;
piece[1] -= pieces.width; piece[3] -= pieces.width;
styleStart.clip = piece;
styleEnd.clip = pieces[c+','+r];
styleDif = [];
foreach(styleEnd, function(property){
if(styleStart[property].toString() != styleEnd[property].toString()){
styleDif[property] = [];
if(property == 'clip'){
foreach(styleStart[property], function(n){
styleDif[property][n] = styleEnd[property][n] - styleStart[property][n];
}else styleDif[property] = styleEnd[property] - styleStart[property];
needAnimate[index] = true;
startStylesArr[index] = styleStart; AnimateArr[index] = [];
if(effect.delay) for(var n = 0; n < Math.round(index*effect.delay/effect.interval); n++) AnimateArr[index].push(null);
var frameN;
if(!needAnimate[index]) AnimateArr[index].push({display: ''});
else for(frameN = 1; frameN <= framesCount; frameN++){
progress = frameN/framesCount;
progress = -Math.cos(progress*Math.PI)/2 + 0.5;
var style_c = [];
if(frameN == framesCount) style_c = styleEnd;
foreach(styleDif, function(property){
value = [];
if(property == 'clip'){
foreach(styleDif[property], function(n){
value[n] = styleStart[property][n]+styleDif[property][n]*progress;
}else value = styleStart[property]+styleDif[property]*progress;
style_c[property] = value;
EffectsArr[effectsOptStr] = {startStylesArr: startStylesArr, AnimateArr: AnimateArr, needAnimate: needAnimate};
for(r = 0; r < pieces.rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < pieces.cols; c++){
index = orderArr[c+','+r];
image = newElement('DIV', startStylesArr[index]);
image = newElement('IMG', startStylesArr[index]);
image.src = parameters.src;
var style = image.style;
style.position = 'absolute';
AnimateItemsArr[index] = style;
if(!needAnimate[index]) hide(AnimateItemsArr[index]);
var time_s = now();
var framesCountAll = AnimateArr[AnimateArr.length-1].length;
var AnimateItem, AnimateItemsComplete = [], timerFuncStatus = true, timerFunc = function(){
var frameC = Math.ceil((now() - time_s) / effect.interval);
frameC = frameC >= framesCountAll ? framesCountAll-1 : frameC-1;
foreach(AnimateArr, function(index){
AnimateItem = frameC > AnimateArr[index].length-1 ? AnimateArr[index].length-1 : frameC;
if(AnimateArr[index][AnimateItem] && !AnimateItemsComplete[index+','+AnimateItem]){
setStyles(AnimateItemsArr[index], AnimateArr[index][AnimateItem]);
AnimateItemsComplete[index+','+AnimateItem] = true;
if(frameC == framesCountAll-1){
if(pieces.count > 1){
container.innerHTML = '';
if(parameters.contentmode) container.appendChild(parameters.src);
else container.innerHTML = '<img src="'+parameters.src+'" width="'+display.width+'" height="'+display.height+'" />';
timerFuncStatus = false;
return timerFuncStatus;
var animateInterval = setInterval(function(){
if(!timerFunc()) clearInterval(animateInterval);
}, effect.interval);
var OrderArr = [];
function doOrder(cols, rows, order, road, reverse){
cols = parseInt(cols); rows = parseInt(rows);
var arr = [], tmp = [], i = 0, c = 0, r = 0, count = cols*rows, cl = cols - 1, rl = rows - 1, il = count - 1, func;
if(!road) road = 'RB';
function map(f){for(r = 0; r < rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < cols; c++) f();}
var OrderOptStr = [cols, rows, order, road, reverse].join(',');
if(count > 1){
case 'straight':
case 'BL': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = il-(c*rows+(rl-r));}; break;
case 'RT': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = il-(r*cols+(cl-c));}; break;
case 'TL': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = il-(c*rows+r);};
case 'LT': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = il-(r*cols+c);}; break;
case 'BR': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = c*rows+r;}; break;
case 'LB': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = r*cols+(cl-c);}; break;
case 'TR': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = c*rows+(rl-r);}; break;
default: func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = r*cols+c;}; break;//'RB'
case 'swirl':
var courses, course = 0;
case 'BL': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c-', 'r-', 'c+']; break;
case 'RT': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['c+', 'r-', 'c-', 'r+']; break;
case 'TL': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c-', 'r+', 'c+']; break;
case 'LT': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['c-', 'r-', 'c+', 'r+']; break;
case 'BR': c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c+', 'r-', 'c-']; break;
case 'LB': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['c-', 'r+', 'c+', 'r-']; break;
case 'TR': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c+', 'r+', 'c-']; break;
default: c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['c+', 'r+', 'c-', 'r-']; break;//'RB'
i = 0;
while(i < cols*rows){
if(c >= 0 && c < cols && r >= 0 && r < rows && typeof(arr[c+','+r]) == 'undefined') arr[c+','+r] = i++;
else switch(courses[course++%courses.length]){case 'c+': c--; break; case 'r+': r--; break; case 'c-': c++; break; case 'r-': r++; break;}
switch(courses[course%courses.length]){case 'c+': c++; break; case 'r+': r++; break; case 'c-': c--; break; case 'r-': r--; break;}
case 'snake':
var courses, course = 0;
case 'BL': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c-', 'r-', 'c-']; break;
case 'RT': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['c+', 'r-', 'c-', 'r-']; break;
case 'TL': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c-', 'r+', 'c-']; break;
case 'LT': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['c-', 'r-', 'c+', 'r-']; break;
case 'BR': c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c+', 'r-', 'c+']; break;
case 'LB': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['c-', 'r+', 'c+', 'r+']; break;
case 'TR': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c+', 'r+', 'c+']; break;
default: c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['c+', 'r+', 'c-', 'r+']; break;//'RB'
i = 0;
while(i < cols*rows){
if(c >= 0 && c < cols && r >= 0 && r < rows && typeof(arr[c+','+r]) == 'undefined'){
arr[c+','+r] = i++;
switch(courses[course%courses.length]){case 'c+': c++; break; case 'r+': r++; break; case 'c-': c--; break; case 'r-': r--; break;}
switch(courses[course++%courses.length]){case 'c+': c--; break; case 'r+': r--; break; case 'c-': c++; break; case 'r-': r++; break;}
switch(courses[course++%courses.length]){case 'c+': c++; break; case 'r+': r++; break; case 'c-': c--; break; case 'r-': r--; break;}
case 'straight_stairs':
case 'BL': case 'TR': case 'TL': case 'BR': var C = 0, R = 0; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': case 'LT': case 'RB': default: var C = cl, R = 0; break;
c = C; r = R;
while(i < count){
if(road.indexOf('T') == 1 || road.indexOf('R') == 1) arr[c+','+r] = il - i++;
else arr[c+','+r] = i++;
case 'BL': case 'TR': c--; r++; break;
case 'TL': case 'BR': c++; r--; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': c--; r--; break;
case 'RB': case 'LT': default: c++; r++; break;
if(c < 0 || r < 0 || c > cl || r > rl){
case 'BL': case 'TR': C++; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': case 'TL': case 'BR': R++; break;
case 'RB': case 'LT': default: C--; break;
if(C < 0 || R < 0 || C > cl || R > rl){
case 'BL': case 'TR': C = cl; R++; break;
case 'TL': case 'BR': R = rl; C++; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': R = rl; C--; break;
case 'RB': case 'LT': default: C = 0; R++; break;
if(R > rl) R = rl; else if(R < 0) R = 0; else if(C > cl) C = cl; else if(C < 0) C = 0;
r = R; c = C;
if(reverse) foreach(arr, function(i){arr[i] = il - arr[i];});
}else arr['0,0'] = 0;
OrderArr[OrderOptStr] = arr;
if(order == 'random'){
tmp.sort(function(a,b){return Math.random() > 0.5;});
for(var i = 0; i < cols*rows; i++) arr[tmp[i]] = i;
OrderArr[OrderOptStr] = arr;
return OrderArr[OrderOptStr];
var _effectName = 0;
function effectName(){
return 'Sliderman-nameless-effect-'+_effectName++;
var globalEffects = [];
Sliderman.effect = function(e){
var n = -1;
var globalEffectsId = array_search(globalEffects, 'name', e.name);
if(globalEffectsId) n = globalEffectsId;
}else e.name = effectName();
if(n >= 0) globalEffects[n] = e;
else globalEffects.push(e);
Sliderman.effect({name: 'fade', fade: true, duration: 400});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'move', left: true, move: true, duration: 400});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'stairs', cols: 7, rows: 5, delay: 30, order: 'straight_stairs', road: 'BL', fade: true});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'blinds', cols: 10, delay: 100, duration: 400, order: 'straight', right: true, zoom: true, fade: true});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'rain', cols: 10, delay: 100, duration: 400, order: 'straight', top: true, fade: true});
Sliderman.slider = function(parameters){
var Slider = {}, current, previous, prevImg, status = 'free', isHover = false, images = [], descriptions = [], links = [], ef = function(){};
var events = parameters.events, eventCall = events ? function(e){if(events[e] && typeof(events[e]) == 'function') events[e](Slider);} : ef;
var contentmode = parameters.contentmode;
var effects = [];
var previousEffect = -1;
var addEffect = function(e){
if(typeof(e) == 'string'){
e = e.split(',');
if(e.length == 1){
var globalEffectsId = array_search(globalEffects, 'name', e);
if(globalEffectsId) addEffect(globalEffects[globalEffectsId])
}else for(var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) addEffect(e[i]);
}else if(e){
if(!e.name) e.name = effectName();
var effectsId = array_search(effects, 'name', e.name);
if(!effectsId) effectsId = effects.length;
effects[effectsId] = array_copy(e);
var getEffect = function(){
var n = 0;
if(effects.length > 1){
n = random(effects.length);
if(previousEffect == n) n++;
n %= effects.length;
previousEffect = n;
return effects[n];
if(parameters.effects.constructor == Array) for(var i = 0; i < parameters.effects.length; i++) addEffect(parameters.effects[i]);
else addEffect(parameters.effects);
if(!effects.length) effects = array_copy(globalEffects);
var display = parameters.display || {};
display.width = parameters.width;
display.height = parameters.height;
var loading = display.loading || {};
var description = display.description || null;
var navigation = display.navigation || null;
var buttons = display.buttons || null;
var styleDef = {width: display.width, height: display.height, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block'};
var mainCont = document.getElementById(parameters.container);
addElementEvent(mainCont, 'onmouseover', function(){isHover = true;
if(buttons && buttons.hide) show(buttonsCont.style);
if(description && description.hide && !contentmode) show(descriptionCont.style);
if(display.pause) autoplay(false);
addElementEvent(mainCont, 'onmouseout', function(){isHover = false;
if(buttons && buttons.hide) hide(buttonsCont.style);
if(description && description.hide && !contentmode) hide(descriptionCont.style);
if(display.pause) autoplay(true);
for(var i = 0; i < mainCont.childNodes.length; i++){
if(mainCont.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1){
for(var i = 0; i < mainCont.childNodes.length; i++){
if(mainCont.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1){
if(mainCont.childNodes[i].tagName == 'A'){
var img = mainCont.childNodes[i].getElementsByTagName('IMG');
links[images.length-1] = mainCont.childNodes[i];
}else descriptions[images.length-1] = mainCont.childNodes[i];
}else if(mainCont.childNodes[i].tagName == 'IMG'){
var maps = document.getElementsByTagName('MAP'), map;
for(var m = 0; m < maps.length; m++){
if(maps[m].name && mainCont.childNodes[i].useMap.replace(/^[^#]*#/, '') == maps[m].name) map = maps[m];
if(map) links[images.length-1] = map;
}else if(mainCont.childNodes[i].tagName == 'MAP') continue;
else descriptions[images.length-1] = mainCont.childNodes[i];
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) loadImage(images[i]);
var sliderCont = newElement('DIV', {width: display.width, height: display.height, position: 'relative'}); mainCont.appendChild(sliderCont);
var imagesCont = newElement('DIV', styleDef); sliderCont.appendChild(imagesCont);
//var partsCont = newElement('DIV', styleDef); sliderCont.appendChild(partsCont);
partsCont = sliderCont;
if(contentmode) var linkUpd = ef;
var lnk = newElement('DIV', styleDef); partsCont.appendChild(lnk);
var linkUpd = function(){
lnk.innerHTML = '';
value = links[current];
if(value.tagName == 'MAP'){
var a = newElement('IMG', styleDef);
a.src = images[current];
a.useMap = '#'+value.name;
var a = newElement('A', styleDef);
a.href = value.href;
a.target = value.target;
setStyles(a.style, {opacity: 0, background: '#000000'})
a.onfocus = function(){this.blur();};
if(contentmode) var showLoading = ef;
var loadingCont = newElement('DIV'); partsCont.appendChild(loadingCont);
var loadingBgStyle = array_copy(styleDef);
loadingBgStyle.background = loading.background;
if(loading.opacity) loadingBgStyle.opacity = loading.opacity;
loadingCont.appendChild(newElement('DIV', loadingBgStyle));
var loadingImgStyle = array_copy(styleDef);
loadingImgStyle.background = 'url('+(loading.image)+') no-repeat center center';
loadingCont.appendChild(newElement('DIV', loadingImgStyle));
var showLoading = function(a){
if(a) show(loadingCont.style);
else hide(loadingCont.style);
status = a ? 'loading' : 'free';
if(description && !contentmode){
var descriptionCont = newElement('DIV'); partsCont.appendChild(descriptionCont);
if(description.hide) hide(descriptionCont.style);
var descriptionStl = {position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', textAlign: 'left'};
if(!description) description = [];
description.position = validateOption(description.position, 'top,left,right,bottom')
descriptionStl.background = description.background || 'white';
descriptionStl.opacity = description.opacity || 0.5;
descriptionStl.width = description.position == 'top' || description.position == 'bottom' ? display.width : description.width || display.width*0.2;
descriptionStl.height = description.position == 'left' || description.position == 'right' ? display.height : description.height || display.height*0.2;
descriptionStl[description.position == 'bottom'?'bottom':'top'] = 0;
descriptionStl[description.position == 'right'?'right':'left'] = 0;
var descBg = newElement('DIV', descriptionStl); descriptionCont.appendChild(descBg);
descriptionStl.opacity = 1; descriptionStl.background = '';
var desc = newElement('DIV', descriptionStl); descriptionCont.appendChild(desc);
var descriptionShow = function(){
desc.innerHTML = '';
setStyle(descriptionCont.style, 'visibility', 'hidden');
var value = descriptions[current];
setStyle(descriptionCont.style, 'visibility', 'visible');
value = value.cloneNode(true);
if(isHover) show(descriptionCont.style);
}else var descriptionShow = ef
var buttonsCont = newElement('DIV'); partsCont.appendChild(buttonsCont);
if(buttons.hide) hide(buttonsCont.style);
var btnPrev = newElement('A'); buttonsCont.appendChild(btnPrev);
btnPrev.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
var btnNext = btnPrev.cloneNode(true); buttonsCont.appendChild(btnNext);
btnPrev.onfocus = function(){this.blur();}
btnNext.onfocus = function(){this.blur();}
btnPrev.onclick = function(){Slider.prev();}
btnNext.onclick = function(){Slider.next();}
if(buttons.prev.label) btnPrev.innerHTML = typeof(buttons.prev.label) == 'string' ? buttons.prev.label : 'prev';
if(buttons.prev.label) btnNext.innerHTML = typeof(buttons.next.label) == 'string' ? buttons.next.label : 'next';
if(buttons.prev.className) btnPrev.className = buttons.prev.className;
if(buttons.next.className) btnNext.className = buttons.next.className;
if(buttons.opacity || buttons.prev.opacity) setOpacity(btnPrev.style, buttons.opacity || buttons.prev.opacity);
if(buttons.opacity || buttons.next.opacity) setOpacity(btnNext.style, buttons.opacity || buttons.next.opacity);
var navigationCont = document.getElementById(navigation.container);
var a;
a = newElement('A');
if(navigation.prev.label) a.innerHTML = typeof(navigation.prev.label) == 'string' ? navigation.prev.label : 'Prev';
if(navigation.prev.className) a.className = navigation.prev.className;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
a.onfocus = function(){this.blur();};
a.onclick = function(){Slider.prev();};
var navigationLinks = [];
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++){
a = newElement('A');
if(navigation.label) a.innerHTML = typeof(navigation.label) == 'string' ? navigation.label : i+1;
if(navigation.className) a.className = navigation.className;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
a.id = parameters.container+'_SliderNavigation'+i;
a.onfocus = function(){this.blur();};
a.onclick = function(){Slider.go(this.id.replace(/[^\d]+/g, ''));};
a = newElement('A');
if(navigation.next.label) a.innerHTML = typeof(navigation.next.label) == 'string' ? navigation.next.label : 'Next';
if(navigation.next.className) a.className = navigation.next.className;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
a.onfocus = function(){this.blur();};
a.onclick = function(){Slider.next();};
var navigationUpd = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < navigationLinks.length; i++) navigationLinks[i].className = navigationLinks[i].className.replace(/\bactive\b/g, '');
navigationLinks[current].className += ' active';
}else var navigationUpd = ef
var autoplayTimeout;
var autoplay = function(a){
if(autoplayTimeout) clearTimeout(autoplayTimeout);
if(a && !(isHover && display.pause)) autoplayTimeout = setTimeout(Slider.next, display.autoplay);
}else var autoplay = ef
var doEffect = function(src){
showLoading(false); status = 'busy'; descriptionShow(); linkUpd(); navigationUpd();
Effects({effect: getEffect(), display: display, container: imagesCont, src: src, callback: function(img){
if(prevImg) prevImg.parentNode.removeChild(prevImg);
prevImg = img; status = 'free'; autoplay(true);
}, contentmode: contentmode});
Slider.next = function(){Slider.go(current + 1);}
Slider.prev = function(){Slider.go(current - 1);}
Slider.go = function(index){
index = (images.length + index) % images.length;
if(status != 'free' || current == index) return;
previous = current;
current = index;
if(contentmode) doEffect(images[current]);
else loadImage(images[current], doEffect, display.always_show_loading);
Slider.get = function(a){
case 'length': return images.length; break;
case 'current': return current; break;
case 'previous': return previous; break;
case 'images': return images; break;
case 'links': return links; break;
case 'descriptions': return descriptions; break;
onmousewheel = function(d){
if(d > 0) Slider.prev();
else if(d < 0) Slider.next();
return true;
function wheel(event){
var d = 0;
if(!event) event = window.event;
d = event.wheelDelta/120;
if(window.opera) d = -d;
}else if(event.detail) d = -event.detail/3;
if(d && onmousewheel(d)){
if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
event.returnValue = false;
}else addElementEvent(mainCont, 'onmousewheel', wheel);
return Slider;
<!-- /sliderman.js -->
<div class="c"></div>
<div id="SliderNameNavigation"></div>
<div class="c"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// we created new effect and called it 'demo01'. We use this name later.
Sliderman.effect({name: 'demo01', cols: 10, rows: 5, delay: 10, fade: true, order: 'straight_stairs'});
var demoSlider = Sliderman.slider({container: 'SliderName', width: 560, height: 300, effects: 'demo01',
display: {
pause: true, // slider pauses on mouseover
autoplay: 3000, // 3 seconds slideshow
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<div id="examples_outer">
<h2>Minha flor</h2>
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<a href="#1"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 1" alt="Some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 1" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 1</strong>
<a href="#2"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 2" alt="Some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 2" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 2</strong>
<a href="#3"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 3"" alt="some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 3" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 3</strong>
<a href="#4"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 4" alt="Some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 4" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 4</strong>
<a href="#5"><img src="ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 5" alt="Some alt text" /></a>
<div class="SliderNameDescription"><img src="REPITA O ENDEREÇO DA IMAGEM 5" height="40" alt="" style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" />
<strong>Texto imagem 5</strong>
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<!-- sliderman.js -->
<script type="text/javascript">
Sliderman.effect({name: 'effectDemo1', cols: 10, rows: 5, delay: 10, fade: true, order: 'straight_stairs'});
var slider = Sliderman.slider({container: 'SliderName', width: 530, height: 300, effects: 'effectDemo1',
display: {
pause: true, autoplay: 3000, always_show_loading: 200,
description: {background: '#ffffff', opacity: 0.5, height: 50, position: 'bottom'},
loading: {background: '#000000', opacity: 0.5, image: 'https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhiLcc6O1Nq8ow9mJ4DX6F3mRFeG2t2F5T5shd9Wra8SX95PWWG43herMT5P5mWqiAU15ac_YNXk7yQ8cvBOTd-SdjDWOZxkwTPSClW4F4_AwAhLaxU1jPgZKmiHn5yPLYioWbACPQoUqo/s1600/loading.gif'},
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opacity: 1,
prev: {className: 'SliderNamePrev', label: ''},
next: {className: 'SliderNameNext', label: ''}
navigation: {container: 'SliderNameNavigation', label: ' '}
<script type='text/javascript'>
* Sliderman.js
* Version: 1.2.1
* Author: Taras Ozarko (tozarko@gmail.com)
* (c) 2010-2011 Devtrix. All rights reserved. http://www.devtrix.net/sliderman/
var Sliderman = new function(){
var Sliderman = this;
function random(l){
r = Math.round(Math.random()*(l+1));
if(r > 0 && r < l+1) r--;
else r = random(l);
return r;
function foreach(o, f){
for(var k in o){
if(o.hasOwnProperty(k) && f(k,o[k],o)) return;
function addElementEvent(o,e,f){
var of = o[e];
o[e] = typeof of != 'function' ? f : function(){of();f();};
var _loadImage = [];
function loadImage(s,f,always_show_loading){
var l = function(){if(_loadImage[s]){if(f)f(s);}else{var i=newElement('IMG');i.onload=function(){_loadImage[s]=true;if(f)f(s);};new function(){i.src=s;};}}
if(always_show_loading) setTimeout(l, typeof(always_show_loading) == 'number' ? always_show_loading : 1000);
else l();
function array_copy(a){
if(a.constructor == Array) var r = [];
else var r = {};
foreach(a, function(i){
r[i] = typeof(a[i]) != 'object' ? a[i] : array_copy(a[i]);
return r;
function now(){
return (new Date()).getTime();
function eq(a, b){
return String(a).replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').toLowerCase() == String(b).replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').toLowerCase();
function array_search(arr, a, b){
var result = false;
foreach(arr, function(i){
if(eq(arr[i], b)){
result = i;
return true;
foreach(arr, function(i){
if(eq(arr[i][a], b)){
result = i;
return true;
return result;
function validateOption(a, b){
b = b.split(',');
var result;
foreach(b, function(i){
result = b[i];
if(eq(a, b[i])) return true;
return result;
var setOpacity;
function setOpacityInit(){
if(setOpacity) return;
var p, b = document.body, s = b.style;
if (typeof s.opacity == 'string') p = 'opacity';
else if (typeof s.MozOpacity == 'string') p = 'MozOpacity';
else if (typeof s.KhtmlOpacity == 'string') p = 'KhtmlOpacity';
else if (b.filters && navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+);/)[1]>=5.5) p = 'filter';
if(p == 'filter'){
setOpacity = function(style, v){
if(v > 1) v = 1;
else if(v < 0) v = 0;
style[p] = "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(v*100) + ")";
}else if(p){
setOpacity = function(style, v){
if(v > 1) v = 1;
else if(v < 0) v = 0;
style[p] = v.toFixed(2);
}else setOpacity = ef
function setStyle(style, property, value){
if(typeof(value) == 'string') style[property] = value;
else if(property == 'clip') style[property] = 'rect('+Math.round(value[0])+'px, '+Math.round(value[1])+'px, '+Math.round(value[2])+'px, '+Math.round(value[3])+'px)';
else if(property == 'opacity') setOpacity(style, value);
else style[property] = Math.round(value)+'px';
function setStyles(style, properties){
foreach(properties, function(property){
setStyle(style, property, properties[property]);
function hide(style){style.display = 'none';}
function show(style){style.display = '';}
function newElement(tagName, styles){
var e = document.createElement(tagName);
if(styles) setStyles(e.style, styles);
return e;
var EffectsArr = [];
function Effects(parameters){
var effect = parameters.effect, display = parameters.display;
if(!effect) effect = {};
if(parameters.contentmode) effect.zoom = false;
effect.interval = effect.interval || 40;
effect.duration = effect.duration || 200;
effect.delay = effect.delay || 0;
var framesCount = Math.round(effect.duration / effect.interval);
var index, piece, r, image, startStylesArr = [], AnimateArr = [], needAnimate = [], AnimateItemsArr = [], styleStart, styleEnd, styleDif;
var container = newElement('div', {width: display.width, height: display.height, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, overflow: 'hidden'})
var pieces = {cols: effect.cols ? effect.cols : 1, rows: effect.rows ? effect.rows : 1};
pieces.count = pieces.cols*pieces.rows;
pieces.width = display.width / pieces.cols, pieces.height = display.height / pieces.rows;
for(var c = 0; c < pieces.cols; c++) for(var r = 0; r < pieces.rows; r++) pieces[c+','+r] = [r*pieces.height, c*pieces.width+pieces.width, r*pieces.height+pieces.height, c*pieces.width];
var optionsCopy = array_copy(effect);
var effectsInvers = array_copy(effect);
effectsInvers.top = optionsCopy.bottom;
effectsInvers.bottom = optionsCopy.top;
effectsInvers.left = optionsCopy.right;
effectsInvers.right = optionsCopy.left;
effect.order = validateOption(effect.order, 'straight,swirl,snake,straight_stairs,random');
var orderArr = doOrder(pieces.cols, pieces.rows, effect.order, effect.road, effect.reverse);
var effectsOptStr = effect.order == 'random' ? now() : [
effect.interval, effect.duration, effect.delay, effect.cols, effect.rows,
effect.top, effect.right, effect.bottom, effect.left,
effect.fade, effect.zoom, effect.move, effect.chess,
effect.order, effect.road, effect.reverse
startStylesArr = EffectsArr[effectsOptStr].startStylesArr;
AnimateArr = EffectsArr[effectsOptStr].AnimateArr;
needAnimate = EffectsArr[effectsOptStr].needAnimate;
for(r = 0; r < pieces.rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < pieces.cols; c++){
index = orderArr[c+','+r];
if(effect.chess && index % 2 == 1) effect = effectsInvers;
else effect = optionsCopy;
styleStart = {top: 0, left: 0, opacity: 1, width: display.width, height: display.height, overflow: 'hidden'};
styleEnd = array_copy(styleStart); piece = array_copy(pieces[c+','+r]);
if(effect.fade) styleStart.opacity = 0;
if(effect.top && effect.bottom) piece[0] = piece[2] = (piece[0] + piece[2]) / 2;
else if(effect.top) piece[2] -= pieces.height;
else if(effect.bottom) piece[0] += pieces.height;
if(effect.left && effect.right) piece[1] = piece[3] = (piece[1] + piece[3]) / 2;
else if(effect.left) piece[1] -= pieces.width;
else if(effect.right) piece[3] += pieces.width;
styleStart.left = pieces[c+','+r][3];
styleStart.top = pieces[c+','+r][0];
if(effect.left && effect.right) styleStart.left += pieces.width / 2;
else if(effect.right) styleStart.left += pieces.width;
else if(!effect.left) styleStart.left = 0;
if(effect.top && effect.bottom) styleStart.top += pieces.height / 2;
else if(effect.bottom) styleStart.top += pieces.height;
else if(!effect.top) styleStart.top = 0;
if(effect.left || effect.right) piece[1] = piece[3] = 0;
if(effect.top || effect.bottom) piece[0] = piece[2] = 0;
styleStart.width = effect.left || effect.right ? 0 : display.width;
styleStart.height = effect.top || effect.bottom ? 0 : display.height;
styleStart.top = parseInt(styleStart.top)-pieces.height;
piece[0] += pieces.height; piece[2] += pieces.height;
styleStart.top = parseInt(styleStart.top)+pieces.height;
piece[0] -= pieces.height; piece[2] -= pieces.height;
styleStart.left = parseInt(styleStart.left)-pieces.width;
piece[1] += pieces.width; piece[3] += pieces.width;
styleStart.left = parseInt(styleStart.left)+pieces.width;
piece[1] -= pieces.width; piece[3] -= pieces.width;
styleStart.clip = piece;
styleEnd.clip = pieces[c+','+r];
styleDif = [];
foreach(styleEnd, function(property){
if(styleStart[property].toString() != styleEnd[property].toString()){
styleDif[property] = [];
if(property == 'clip'){
foreach(styleStart[property], function(n){
styleDif[property][n] = styleEnd[property][n] - styleStart[property][n];
}else styleDif[property] = styleEnd[property] - styleStart[property];
needAnimate[index] = true;
startStylesArr[index] = styleStart; AnimateArr[index] = [];
if(effect.delay) for(var n = 0; n < Math.round(index*effect.delay/effect.interval); n++) AnimateArr[index].push(null);
var frameN;
if(!needAnimate[index]) AnimateArr[index].push({display: ''});
else for(frameN = 1; frameN <= framesCount; frameN++){
progress = frameN/framesCount;
progress = -Math.cos(progress*Math.PI)/2 + 0.5;
var style_c = [];
if(frameN == framesCount) style_c = styleEnd;
foreach(styleDif, function(property){
value = [];
if(property == 'clip'){
foreach(styleDif[property], function(n){
value[n] = styleStart[property][n]+styleDif[property][n]*progress;
}else value = styleStart[property]+styleDif[property]*progress;
style_c[property] = value;
EffectsArr[effectsOptStr] = {startStylesArr: startStylesArr, AnimateArr: AnimateArr, needAnimate: needAnimate};
for(r = 0; r < pieces.rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < pieces.cols; c++){
index = orderArr[c+','+r];
image = newElement('DIV', startStylesArr[index]);
image = newElement('IMG', startStylesArr[index]);
image.src = parameters.src;
var style = image.style;
style.position = 'absolute';
AnimateItemsArr[index] = style;
if(!needAnimate[index]) hide(AnimateItemsArr[index]);
var time_s = now();
var framesCountAll = AnimateArr[AnimateArr.length-1].length;
var AnimateItem, AnimateItemsComplete = [], timerFuncStatus = true, timerFunc = function(){
var frameC = Math.ceil((now() - time_s) / effect.interval);
frameC = frameC >= framesCountAll ? framesCountAll-1 : frameC-1;
foreach(AnimateArr, function(index){
AnimateItem = frameC > AnimateArr[index].length-1 ? AnimateArr[index].length-1 : frameC;
if(AnimateArr[index][AnimateItem] && !AnimateItemsComplete[index+','+AnimateItem]){
setStyles(AnimateItemsArr[index], AnimateArr[index][AnimateItem]);
AnimateItemsComplete[index+','+AnimateItem] = true;
if(frameC == framesCountAll-1){
if(pieces.count > 1){
container.innerHTML = '';
if(parameters.contentmode) container.appendChild(parameters.src);
else container.innerHTML = '<img src="'+parameters.src+'" width="'+display.width+'" height="'+display.height+'" />';
timerFuncStatus = false;
return timerFuncStatus;
var animateInterval = setInterval(function(){
if(!timerFunc()) clearInterval(animateInterval);
}, effect.interval);
var OrderArr = [];
function doOrder(cols, rows, order, road, reverse){
cols = parseInt(cols); rows = parseInt(rows);
var arr = [], tmp = [], i = 0, c = 0, r = 0, count = cols*rows, cl = cols - 1, rl = rows - 1, il = count - 1, func;
if(!road) road = 'RB';
function map(f){for(r = 0; r < rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < cols; c++) f();}
var OrderOptStr = [cols, rows, order, road, reverse].join(',');
if(count > 1){
case 'straight':
case 'BL': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = il-(c*rows+(rl-r));}; break;
case 'RT': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = il-(r*cols+(cl-c));}; break;
case 'TL': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = il-(c*rows+r);};
case 'LT': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = il-(r*cols+c);}; break;
case 'BR': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = c*rows+r;}; break;
case 'LB': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = r*cols+(cl-c);}; break;
case 'TR': func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = c*rows+(rl-r);}; break;
default: func = function(){arr[c+','+r] = r*cols+c;}; break;//'RB'
case 'swirl':
var courses, course = 0;
case 'BL': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c-', 'r-', 'c+']; break;
case 'RT': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['c+', 'r-', 'c-', 'r+']; break;
case 'TL': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c-', 'r+', 'c+']; break;
case 'LT': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['c-', 'r-', 'c+', 'r+']; break;
case 'BR': c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c+', 'r-', 'c-']; break;
case 'LB': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['c-', 'r+', 'c+', 'r-']; break;
case 'TR': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c+', 'r+', 'c-']; break;
default: c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['c+', 'r+', 'c-', 'r-']; break;//'RB'
i = 0;
while(i < cols*rows){
if(c >= 0 && c < cols && r >= 0 && r < rows && typeof(arr[c+','+r]) == 'undefined') arr[c+','+r] = i++;
else switch(courses[course++%courses.length]){case 'c+': c--; break; case 'r+': r--; break; case 'c-': c++; break; case 'r-': r++; break;}
switch(courses[course%courses.length]){case 'c+': c++; break; case 'r+': r++; break; case 'c-': c--; break; case 'r-': r--; break;}
case 'snake':
var courses, course = 0;
case 'BL': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c-', 'r-', 'c-']; break;
case 'RT': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['c+', 'r-', 'c-', 'r-']; break;
case 'TL': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c-', 'r+', 'c-']; break;
case 'LT': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['c-', 'r-', 'c+', 'r-']; break;
case 'BR': c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c+', 'r-', 'c+']; break;
case 'LB': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['c-', 'r+', 'c+', 'r+']; break;
case 'TR': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c+', 'r+', 'c+']; break;
default: c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['c+', 'r+', 'c-', 'r+']; break;//'RB'
i = 0;
while(i < cols*rows){
if(c >= 0 && c < cols && r >= 0 && r < rows && typeof(arr[c+','+r]) == 'undefined'){
arr[c+','+r] = i++;
switch(courses[course%courses.length]){case 'c+': c++; break; case 'r+': r++; break; case 'c-': c--; break; case 'r-': r--; break;}
switch(courses[course++%courses.length]){case 'c+': c--; break; case 'r+': r--; break; case 'c-': c++; break; case 'r-': r++; break;}
switch(courses[course++%courses.length]){case 'c+': c++; break; case 'r+': r++; break; case 'c-': c--; break; case 'r-': r--; break;}
case 'straight_stairs':
case 'BL': case 'TR': case 'TL': case 'BR': var C = 0, R = 0; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': case 'LT': case 'RB': default: var C = cl, R = 0; break;
c = C; r = R;
while(i < count){
if(road.indexOf('T') == 1 || road.indexOf('R') == 1) arr[c+','+r] = il - i++;
else arr[c+','+r] = i++;
case 'BL': case 'TR': c--; r++; break;
case 'TL': case 'BR': c++; r--; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': c--; r--; break;
case 'RB': case 'LT': default: c++; r++; break;
if(c < 0 || r < 0 || c > cl || r > rl){
case 'BL': case 'TR': C++; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': case 'TL': case 'BR': R++; break;
case 'RB': case 'LT': default: C--; break;
if(C < 0 || R < 0 || C > cl || R > rl){
case 'BL': case 'TR': C = cl; R++; break;
case 'TL': case 'BR': R = rl; C++; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': R = rl; C--; break;
case 'RB': case 'LT': default: C = 0; R++; break;
if(R > rl) R = rl; else if(R < 0) R = 0; else if(C > cl) C = cl; else if(C < 0) C = 0;
r = R; c = C;
if(reverse) foreach(arr, function(i){arr[i] = il - arr[i];});
}else arr['0,0'] = 0;
OrderArr[OrderOptStr] = arr;
if(order == 'random'){
tmp.sort(function(a,b){return Math.random() > 0.5;});
for(var i = 0; i < cols*rows; i++) arr[tmp[i]] = i;
OrderArr[OrderOptStr] = arr;
return OrderArr[OrderOptStr];
var _effectName = 0;
function effectName(){
return 'Sliderman-nameless-effect-'+_effectName++;
var globalEffects = [];
Sliderman.effect = function(e){
var n = -1;
var globalEffectsId = array_search(globalEffects, 'name', e.name);
if(globalEffectsId) n = globalEffectsId;
}else e.name = effectName();
if(n >= 0) globalEffects[n] = e;
else globalEffects.push(e);
Sliderman.effect({name: 'fade', fade: true, duration: 400});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'move', left: true, move: true, duration: 400});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'stairs', cols: 7, rows: 5, delay: 30, order: 'straight_stairs', road: 'BL', fade: true});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'blinds', cols: 10, delay: 100, duration: 400, order: 'straight', right: true, zoom: true, fade: true});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'rain', cols: 10, delay: 100, duration: 400, order: 'straight', top: true, fade: true});
Sliderman.slider = function(parameters){
var Slider = {}, current, previous, prevImg, status = 'free', isHover = false, images = [], descriptions = [], links = [], ef = function(){};
var events = parameters.events, eventCall = events ? function(e){if(events[e] && typeof(events[e]) == 'function') events[e](Slider);} : ef;
var contentmode = parameters.contentmode;
var effects = [];
var previousEffect = -1;
var addEffect = function(e){
if(typeof(e) == 'string'){
e = e.split(',');
if(e.length == 1){
var globalEffectsId = array_search(globalEffects, 'name', e);
if(globalEffectsId) addEffect(globalEffects[globalEffectsId])
}else for(var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) addEffect(e[i]);
}else if(e){
if(!e.name) e.name = effectName();
var effectsId = array_search(effects, 'name', e.name);
if(!effectsId) effectsId = effects.length;
effects[effectsId] = array_copy(e);
var getEffect = function(){
var n = 0;
if(effects.length > 1){
n = random(effects.length);
if(previousEffect == n) n++;
n %= effects.length;
previousEffect = n;
return effects[n];
if(parameters.effects.constructor == Array) for(var i = 0; i < parameters.effects.length; i++) addEffect(parameters.effects[i]);
else addEffect(parameters.effects);
if(!effects.length) effects = array_copy(globalEffects);
var display = parameters.display || {};
display.width = parameters.width;
display.height = parameters.height;
var loading = display.loading || {};
var description = display.description || null;
var navigation = display.navigation || null;
var buttons = display.buttons || null;
var styleDef = {width: display.width, height: display.height, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block'};
var mainCont = document.getElementById(parameters.container);
addElementEvent(mainCont, 'onmouseover', function(){isHover = true;
if(buttons && buttons.hide) show(buttonsCont.style);
if(description && description.hide && !contentmode) show(descriptionCont.style);
if(display.pause) autoplay(false);
addElementEvent(mainCont, 'onmouseout', function(){isHover = false;
if(buttons && buttons.hide) hide(buttonsCont.style);
if(description && description.hide && !contentmode) hide(descriptionCont.style);
if(display.pause) autoplay(true);
for(var i = 0; i < mainCont.childNodes.length; i++){
if(mainCont.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1){
for(var i = 0; i < mainCont.childNodes.length; i++){
if(mainCont.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1){
if(mainCont.childNodes[i].tagName == 'A'){
var img = mainCont.childNodes[i].getElementsByTagName('IMG');
links[images.length-1] = mainCont.childNodes[i];
}else descriptions[images.length-1] = mainCont.childNodes[i];
}else if(mainCont.childNodes[i].tagName == 'IMG'){
var maps = document.getElementsByTagName('MAP'), map;
for(var m = 0; m < maps.length; m++){
if(maps[m].name && mainCont.childNodes[i].useMap.replace(/^[^#]*#/, '') == maps[m].name) map = maps[m];
if(map) links[images.length-1] = map;
}else if(mainCont.childNodes[i].tagName == 'MAP') continue;
else descriptions[images.length-1] = mainCont.childNodes[i];
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) loadImage(images[i]);
var sliderCont = newElement('DIV', {width: display.width, height: display.height, position: 'relative'}); mainCont.appendChild(sliderCont);
var imagesCont = newElement('DIV', styleDef); sliderCont.appendChild(imagesCont);
//var partsCont = newElement('DIV', styleDef); sliderCont.appendChild(partsCont);
partsCont = sliderCont;
if(contentmode) var linkUpd = ef;
var lnk = newElement('DIV', styleDef); partsCont.appendChild(lnk);
var linkUpd = function(){
lnk.innerHTML = '';
value = links[current];
if(value.tagName == 'MAP'){
var a = newElement('IMG', styleDef);
a.src = images[current];
a.useMap = '#'+value.name;
var a = newElement('A', styleDef);
a.href = value.href;
a.target = value.target;
setStyles(a.style, {opacity: 0, background: '#000000'})
a.onfocus = function(){this.blur();};
if(contentmode) var showLoading = ef;
var loadingCont = newElement('DIV'); partsCont.appendChild(loadingCont);
var loadingBgStyle = array_copy(styleDef);
loadingBgStyle.background = loading.background;
if(loading.opacity) loadingBgStyle.opacity = loading.opacity;
loadingCont.appendChild(newElement('DIV', loadingBgStyle));
var loadingImgStyle = array_copy(styleDef);
loadingImgStyle.background = 'url('+(loading.image)+') no-repeat center center';
loadingCont.appendChild(newElement('DIV', loadingImgStyle));
var showLoading = function(a){
if(a) show(loadingCont.style);
else hide(loadingCont.style);
status = a ? 'loading' : 'free';
if(description && !contentmode){
var descriptionCont = newElement('DIV'); partsCont.appendChild(descriptionCont);
if(description.hide) hide(descriptionCont.style);
var descriptionStl = {position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', textAlign: 'left'};
if(!description) description = [];
description.position = validateOption(description.position, 'top,left,right,bottom')
descriptionStl.background = description.background || 'white';
descriptionStl.opacity = description.opacity || 0.5;
descriptionStl.width = description.position == 'top' || description.position == 'bottom' ? display.width : description.width || display.width*0.2;
descriptionStl.height = description.position == 'left' || description.position == 'right' ? display.height : description.height || display.height*0.2;
descriptionStl[description.position == 'bottom'?'bottom':'top'] = 0;
descriptionStl[description.position == 'right'?'right':'left'] = 0;
var descBg = newElement('DIV', descriptionStl); descriptionCont.appendChild(descBg);
descriptionStl.opacity = 1; descriptionStl.background = '';
var desc = newElement('DIV', descriptionStl); descriptionCont.appendChild(desc);
var descriptionShow = function(){
desc.innerHTML = '';
setStyle(descriptionCont.style, 'visibility', 'hidden');
var value = descriptions[current];
setStyle(descriptionCont.style, 'visibility', 'visible');
value = value.cloneNode(true);
if(isHover) show(descriptionCont.style);
}else var descriptionShow = ef
var buttonsCont = newElement('DIV'); partsCont.appendChild(buttonsCont);
if(buttons.hide) hide(buttonsCont.style);
var btnPrev = newElement('A'); buttonsCont.appendChild(btnPrev);
btnPrev.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
var btnNext = btnPrev.cloneNode(true); buttonsCont.appendChild(btnNext);
btnPrev.onfocus = function(){this.blur();}
btnNext.onfocus = function(){this.blur();}
btnPrev.onclick = function(){Slider.prev();}
btnNext.onclick = function(){Slider.next();}
if(buttons.prev.label) btnPrev.innerHTML = typeof(buttons.prev.label) == 'string' ? buttons.prev.label : 'prev';
if(buttons.prev.label) btnNext.innerHTML = typeof(buttons.next.label) == 'string' ? buttons.next.label : 'next';
if(buttons.prev.className) btnPrev.className = buttons.prev.className;
if(buttons.next.className) btnNext.className = buttons.next.className;
if(buttons.opacity || buttons.prev.opacity) setOpacity(btnPrev.style, buttons.opacity || buttons.prev.opacity);
if(buttons.opacity || buttons.next.opacity) setOpacity(btnNext.style, buttons.opacity || buttons.next.opacity);
var navigationCont = document.getElementById(navigation.container);
var a;
a = newElement('A');
if(navigation.prev.label) a.innerHTML = typeof(navigation.prev.label) == 'string' ? navigation.prev.label : 'Prev';
if(navigation.prev.className) a.className = navigation.prev.className;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
a.onfocus = function(){this.blur();};
a.onclick = function(){Slider.prev();};
var navigationLinks = [];
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++){
a = newElement('A');
if(navigation.label) a.innerHTML = typeof(navigation.label) == 'string' ? navigation.label : i+1;
if(navigation.className) a.className = navigation.className;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
a.id = parameters.container+'_SliderNavigation'+i;
a.onfocus = function(){this.blur();};
a.onclick = function(){Slider.go(this.id.replace(/[^\d]+/g, ''));};
a = newElement('A');
if(navigation.next.label) a.innerHTML = typeof(navigation.next.label) == 'string' ? navigation.next.label : 'Next';
if(navigation.next.className) a.className = navigation.next.className;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
a.onfocus = function(){this.blur();};
a.onclick = function(){Slider.next();};
var navigationUpd = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < navigationLinks.length; i++) navigationLinks[i].className = navigationLinks[i].className.replace(/\bactive\b/g, '');
navigationLinks[current].className += ' active';
}else var navigationUpd = ef
var autoplayTimeout;
var autoplay = function(a){
if(autoplayTimeout) clearTimeout(autoplayTimeout);
if(a && !(isHover && display.pause)) autoplayTimeout = setTimeout(Slider.next, display.autoplay);
}else var autoplay = ef
var doEffect = function(src){
showLoading(false); status = 'busy'; descriptionShow(); linkUpd(); navigationUpd();
Effects({effect: getEffect(), display: display, container: imagesCont, src: src, callback: function(img){
if(prevImg) prevImg.parentNode.removeChild(prevImg);
prevImg = img; status = 'free'; autoplay(true);
}, contentmode: contentmode});
Slider.next = function(){Slider.go(current + 1);}
Slider.prev = function(){Slider.go(current - 1);}
Slider.go = function(index){
index = (images.length + index) % images.length;
if(status != 'free' || current == index) return;
previous = current;
current = index;
if(contentmode) doEffect(images[current]);
else loadImage(images[current], doEffect, display.always_show_loading);
Slider.get = function(a){
case 'length': return images.length; break;
case 'current': return current; break;
case 'previous': return previous; break;
case 'images': return images; break;
case 'links': return links; break;
case 'descriptions': return descriptions; break;
onmousewheel = function(d){
if(d > 0) Slider.prev();
else if(d < 0) Slider.next();
return true;
function wheel(event){
var d = 0;
if(!event) event = window.event;
d = event.wheelDelta/120;
if(window.opera) d = -d;
}else if(event.detail) d = -event.detail/3;
if(d && onmousewheel(d)){
if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
event.returnValue = false;
}else addElementEvent(mainCont, 'onmousewheel', wheel);
return Slider;
<!-- /sliderman.js -->
<div class="c"></div>
<div id="SliderNameNavigation"></div>
<div class="c"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// we created new effect and called it 'demo01'. We use this name later.
Sliderman.effect({name: 'demo01', cols: 10, rows: 5, delay: 10, fade: true, order: 'straight_stairs'});
var demoSlider = Sliderman.slider({container: 'SliderName', width: 560, height: 300, effects: 'demo01',
display: {
pause: true, // slider pauses on mouseover
autoplay: 3000, // 3 seconds slideshow
always_show_loading: 200, // testing loading mode
description: {background: '#ffffff', opacity: 0.5, height: 50, position: 'bottom'}, // image description box settings
loading: {background: '#000000', opacity: 0.2, image: 'https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6dZqj8Z5RrwrW2Jvc6T9RjFdHWbVYn-fCxd8wdMvGJz5D6dZykA4dDm4RSJQ8jJqFC-qwveokf8p3gaex2TTenXJKH1oXNlPzdlQrzvis_SddWScQmq8dorgaVYmGtbbu_AgTK35fkUo/s1600/loading.gif'}, // loading box settings
buttons: {opacity: 1, prev: {className: 'SliderNamePrev', label: ''}, next: {className: 'SliderNameNext', label: ''}}, // Next/Prev buttons settings
navigation: {container: 'SliderNameNavigation', label: ' '} // navigation (pages) settings
ResponderExcluirSempre adorei os seus tutoriais aahh <3
Eu queria perguntar se tem como vc ensinar a colocar aquele negocio de "regras" que vc colocou quando alguem entra nos Layouts Free!
Eu queria colocar um avisosinho assim numa só pagina do meu blog e nao sei como fazer :c
Obrigada pela atenção <3
Oi Bunny obrigada por gostar dos meus tutoriais. ^^
ExcluirClaro ensino sim é bastante fácil. Logo mais deixarei o link da postagem em seu blog ok? Obrigada pela visita =3
Hey! Acabei de fazer o tutorial que me pediu =3